Denny Creek Trail.

Denny Creek Trail in the Snoqualmie/North Bend region is within an hour’s drive from Seattle and has many natural stopping points at the one mile and two mile marks that make it an easy roundtrip hike for families. We climbed up past Keekwulee Falls falls and stopped by the creek around the 3-3.5 mile mark for a lunch of foldovers and apples. Most hikers continued past this point in hopes of reaching “the lake,” which at the time we had no idea about. Even right now, I’m looking online and can’t find mention of this lake on the Denny Creek site. I guess there’s a second hike in store for us. This trail was the perfect length, altitude and condition for our Labor Day weekend hike. Admittedly, Sinae and I spent most of the time chatting rather than admiring the views, but that’s what pictures are for :)

We hiked a little over seven miles in three hours, roundtrip. 

Bellevue Botanical Garden.

After a Father’s day celebration over greasy Sichuanese food, we decided to make an impromptu stop at the Bellevue Botanical Garden before heading home for what was bound to be an afternoon Netflix binge. Note to self, Netflix will be around forever (well, it better be…), but gorgeous days and fresh air are precious. Happy Summer Solstice!


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Robinswood Park.

If you were to tell my 14-year-old-accidentally-signed-up-for-Cross-Country-because-I-thought-it-was-the-same-as-Track-self that I would be spending my weekends at Robinswood Park as an adult, I’d be in disbelief. I realize it sounds impossible to mix up Cross Country and Track because they are entirely different, which I learned the hard way, but hindsight is 20/20. Despite my confusion, I still pushed through the season, somehow skating by with only running two full races. I’m not a natural long distance runner, nor do I think I could be one with proper training, so daily runs around the school and Robinswood Park were on the verge of painful for me. Up until a month ago, I hadn’t stepped foot at this park since 2005. With all the city walking I do, as featured on this blog, the constant caution around crazy drivers and street kids has caught up to me. Now I’m seeking out suburbia’s quiet trails and well-maintained parks (it makes a huge difference!) Bellevue’s Robinswood is on the smaller side, but there’s a darling pond with ducks coupling up for Spring and a dog park. It’s perfect for me. At least the 28-going-on-45-me for right now.







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Sunny end-of-Winter days in Seattle.

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Haribo makes all of my favorite candy, so naturally, Cost Plus World Market is my favorite store to loiter in.

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Celebratory McDonald’s after my first Mac purchase.

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Magazines on magazines, thanks to Mags for Miles.



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Seattle University.


Sherbet and Netflix in bed.

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Flowers at Pike Place Market.


Though tulips are typically all that’s available this time of year, I’m happy to see some variations in style and color to mix things up.


Frenchi butt!